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28.07.2012 17:24 - Кои компании използват абортирани човешки фетуси в храните и напитките си?!?!?
Автор: blagovestie Категория: Други   
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    Which Companies Are Using Aborted Human Fetuses in Their Food?

Last week, Oklahoma State Senator Ralph Shortey introduced a bill that would ban "the manufacture or sale of food or products which use aborted human fetuses." But which foods or products use aborted human fetuses? Let"s investigate.

NPR speculates that Shortey"s bill has to do with a recent boycott aimed at PepsiCo for working with a company called Senomyx that "has been accused of using proteins derived from human embryonic kidney cells in its research." Quoth Shortey:

The senator says that his research shows there are companies in the food industry that have used human stem cells to help them research and develop products, including artificial flavorings.

"I don"t know if it is happening in Oklahoma, it may be, it may not be. What I am saying is that if it does happen then we are not going to allow it to manufacture here," Shortey tells KRMG"s Nicole Burgin.

As an impartial journalistic outlet, we"re not here to tell you that Ralph Shortey is an utter moron whose incompetent attempts to ban stem cell-derived medicine reveal his all-encompassing idiocy, nor to tell you that the use of aborted human fetuses in food would already be in clear violation of a variety of different federal and state laws. Nor, for that matter, are we here to tell you that you should or should not be eating aborted human fetuses. What we are here to do is find out what foods are made using aborted human fetuses. We"ve contacted a number of the country"s largest food companies and asked: do you use aborted human fetuses in your food products?

Companies That Do Not Use Aborted Human Fetuses in Their Food Products



Products include: Big Macs, Chicken McNuggets, Filet o" Fish, McRib, McChicken, McGriddle
Contains aborted human fetuses? Ashlee Yingling, media relations: "The answer is no. McDonald"s does not use aborted human fetuses in its food."

image Nestlй

Products include: Perrier, Hдagen-Dazs, Gerber, Powerbar, DiGiorno Pizza, Butterfinger, Kit Kat, Alpo, Frisky
Contains aborted human fetuses? Hilary Green, head of R&D communications: "Nestlй does not use aborted human fetuses in its food products."

image PepsiCo

Products include: Pepsi, Diet Pepsi, Tropicana Orange Juice, Doritos, Quaker Oatmeal, Mountain Dew, Fritos, Gatorade
Contains aborted human fetuses? In a letter to "Children of God for Life," PepsiCo consumer relations representative Margaret Corsi writes: "These claims are meant to suggest that human fetal tissue is somehow used in our research. That is both inaccurate and something we would never do or even consider. It also is inaccurate to suggest that tissue or cells somehow are being used as product ingredients. That"s dangerous, unethical and against the law."

image Wendy"s (UPDATED)

Products include: Dave"s Hot "n Juicy 1/4 lb. Single, Bacon Deluxe Single, Bacon Deluxe Double, Frosty
Contains aborted human fetuses? Kitty Munger, director, communications: "We"d like to correct the mention of Wendy"s on gawker, relative to the issue of human fetuses. The answer is absolutely no. Wendy"s does not use aborted human fetuses in its food."

Companies That Might Use Aborted Human Fetuses in Their Food Products


Burger King

Products include: WHOPPER®, WHOPPER JR.®, Chicken Tenders, BK® Chicken Fries, Bacon & Cheddar BK TOPPERS™ Burger
Contains aborted human fetuses? Possibly. Burger King has not responded to our request for comment at this time.

image General Mills

Products include: Cheerios, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Bisquick, Fruit by the Foot, Bugles, Chex Mix, Hamburger Helper
Contains aborted human fetuses? Possibly. General Mills has not responded to our request for comment at this time.

image Kraft

Products include: A-1 Steak Sauce, Boca Burgers, Capri Sun, Crystal Light, Jell-O, Lunchables, Oreos, Teddy Grahams, Wheat Thins
Contains aborted human fetuses? Possibly. Kraft has not responded to our request for comment at this time.

image Coca-Cola Products include: Coca-Cola, Diet Coke, Coke Zero, Sprite, Zico
Contains aborted human fetuses? Possibly. Coca-Cola has not responded to our request for comment at this timе


1. blagovestie - Звучи направо НЕВЪЗМОЖНО!
28.07.2012 17:25
Надявам се да е някакъв извратен черен PR!
2. jabalka - Дано да си права...!?!?
28.07.2012 18:07
И аз мисля така!
3. tomcat2 - Почти всички използват за пепси и ...
28.07.2012 19:24
Почти всички използват за пепси и кола гаранция!Не им пия пикните от години
4. sparotok - !
28.07.2012 19:26
Може да е черен PR, но може и да не е.

Chinese cosmetics company has been using skin taken from the bodies of executed convicts to develop beauty products for sale in Europe, a London newspaper reported.

An agent for the company informed customers it is developing collagen for lip and wrinkle treatments from skin taken from prisoners after they had been shot.

The agent said some of the company‘s products have been exported to Britain, and that the use of skin from condemned convicts was “traditional" and nothing to “make such a big fuss about,“ the Guardian reported
In addition to ethical concerns, there is the potential risk of infection from the harvested skin products.

The company was not identified by name for legal reasons and it is unclear whether collagen made from the skin of prisoners was in the research stage or in actual production.

And now, according to CNN, the latest body part to become popular on the black market is body fat. Yeah, body fat, the thing that most people have trying to get rid of for most of their life. And the sellers of the human body fat kill people and then carve the fat out of them. And the thing that they want the body fat for? The thieves sell it to cosmetic companies to make cosmetics. It's kind of gruesome to think that the next time you put on an eyeliner, it came from a corpse. Oh well, I guess that's better than using animals.

The UK Guardian reports that collagen is also harvested from executed prisoners in China and is being marketed off-label to British doctors as collagen products.

In a special report called "The beauty products from the skin of executed Chinese prisoners; Cosmetics firm targets UK market; Lack of regulation puts users at risk" by Ian Cobain and Adam Luck --

5. raders - Ние не знаем какви лайна ни предл...
28.07.2012 19:39
Ние не знаем какви лайна ни предлагат фирмите в луксозните опаковки, но все пак ми се струва, че това е просто нелепа антиреклама на конкуренцията. Прекалено е тъпо, за да бъде вярно.
6. yavorb - О, значи затова Кока-колата е то...
29.07.2012 10:47
О, значи затова Кока-колата е толкова вкусна!
Вкусно нещо са абортираните човешки фетуси!
Да ви е*а у загубеняците... Ако ще и най-лудия Мунчо да изръси нещо срещу ЮЕсЕй, веднага ще тръгнете след него...
7. blagovestie - N6
29.07.2012 11:13
я тогава ми продиктувай задължителното съдържание от опаковка на Кока-кола ;) Или подробно ми опиши съставките на останалите "заподозрени"...

ПП: и ако обичаш, внимавай с изразите и не си позволявай да си размахваш инструмента и простотията в моят блог!

ПП 2: Забеляза ли националната принадлежност на източника на инфото?
8. balebalev - С чиста съвест отсъждам на статията ти приза:
29.07.2012 12:12
"Най-тъпа статия за 29.07.2012 г."
9. blagovestie - bale,
29.07.2012 12:15
Виждаш източникът - прав ти път да им го връчиш
10. blackpredator - Тц, тц,
29.07.2012 16:37
Твоя интерес, /Бог, според профила/, явно е късоглед, или много корумпиран, за да допусне подобно нещо.
Бог-дистрибутор един вид, иначе как да си обясним реалноста на публикуваното в постинга?
11. blagovestie - blackpredator,
29.07.2012 17:30
има много да четеш, за да разбереш взаимовръзката (ми), щом ти е убегнала от пръв поглед ;)

Не е здравословно човек да хули Бога!
12. blackpredator - не че е убегнала,
30.07.2012 15:49
но ми изглеждаше като намаз. ;P
13. blagovestie - "намаз." Не смея точно в този пост да ти пожелая да ти е сладко :р
30.07.2012 15:54
Признавам, днес мисълта ми тече бавно. Някакъв жокер относно точното значение на коментара ти, да не би да те разбера неправилно? :)))

ПП: До края на тази светска система, Сатана също ще има дял от нея и ще се развихря според силите си. Та тези неща са ни от него...
14. blackpredator - Е сори,
30.07.2012 16:24
несръчен агностичен опит, да фабрикувам мнение.
вземам си думите назад.
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